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4 Tips to Keep You From Overdoing it on Thanksgiving

Happy Tuesday! It's Thanksgiving week. That means its time for cooking, quality time with loved ones and lots of delicious comfort food.

Whether you're on a journey to change your eating habits or you simply want to be mindful of how much you indulge, we've come up with 4 tips to help you not overdo it on turkey day.

Tip # 1: Use the fist-sized trick

Hold out your hand. Now make a fist. That's the size you can use to help you gauge your portions, especially when you're adding a ton of different food to your plate. If you overindulge, don't stress! You won't blow all of your progress with one meal, but you can start with the fist -sized trick to help you pace yourself.

Tip # 2: Let the games begin!

Having fun with your friends and family keeps you from boredom eating. When there's tons of food around and nothing to do, it makes it easier to go back up for seconds, thirds and even more.

Bring a game (or heck, look one up). And if you and your family drink -- wine or alcohol always gets people to loosen up and participate.

Tip # 3: Whether you're hosting or bringing a side, mix it up!

Making a timeless classic into something a bit more healthy can help switch things up. Odds are people won't even know the difference! To give you some ideas, I've included a few traditional menu items with a twist.

Skinny Sweet Potato Casserole

Pumpkin Mousse

Tip # 4: Enjoy yourself, but let your metabolism readjust

After Thanksgiving you don't have to eat left overs for days on end. Plus, you may feel a little stuffed and sluggish from all the extra carbs.

Let your metabolism adjust with a clean detox. If you need a little help, we've created one for you to do over the weekend to help your digestive system get back on track.

Use this detox no longer than 3 days to help cleanse your system.

Have a healthy and happy Thanksgiving!

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